Some basic drills and techniques with the Sparth-Axe, the famous long axe of the Galloglass mercenaries of scottish heritage, who were an important aspect of military power until the late 16th Century.
The axe is made by Wulflund with a shaft made of ash, which is bit shorter than usual (ca. 160 cm total length). The total weight is 2,2 kilos. This is just an experimental video, playing with principles and techniques. Some material is based on the drills shown by the late Ken Pfrenger. This video is dedicated to him and his family.
Music by Clanadonia.
1 year ago 00:02:10 12
Galloglass Sparth-Axe - Basic Drills
2 years ago 00:04:17 1
Claidheamh da Laimh - The Highland Twohanded Sword