Evanora:Unlimited - ’Perfect Answer’ Full Album Out Now
Tour Dates: ( )
Directed & Edited by Evanora Unlimited
Shot by Angus Scratch Green
Featuring Tea Strazicic, Blood Fairy, Luke Anderson, Jason Thompson
Produced by Evanora Unlimited
Guitar by Alexander Bazzi
-- Afterword: --
“ After filming this video, I felt with everything inside of me, I had accidentally done something very wrong and dark. That probably sounds stupid and corny as fuck but we all did. There was an unspoken tension in the air as we walked back through the woods to where we could call a taxi. Getting back to my apartment, I swear on all that I love, I was fully possessed by something. I have almost no recollection of this happening, & only know after being told once regaining control.
Arriving home, we got inside & I staggered towards my bedroom door. I feverishly gripped the posts of the doorway with both hands, standing there trying, but unable to move forward; I stared blankly fixated on a Nazar evil eye amulet hanging in front of me inside the room.
Stuck there, my partner came and tapped me asking if I was okay. I responded, in a voice almost completely not my own, “I’m not okay…I’m not okay.” quickly turning around walking to the living room corner & sitting on our daybed where I violently hyperventilated like a scene from the exorcist as my friends watched speechlessly. I then sat back up and looked around. Only then noticing everyone looking at me in horror and worry asking me “wtf are you okay?” responding “yea Im good, I just spaced out for a second“. Up until that point I had zero awareness of any of this happening: and to my recollection, I was literally 100% fully conscious & acting normal the whole time, never moving from where I was sitting. I was a bit shook by it for a second, but shrugged it off.
However after that we just happened to come across a religious painting which depicted exactly the scene we had just shot in the woods. The combination of what had happened, the feeling earlier that I had accidentally done some sort of dark ritual or fucked up manifestation, stumbling upon this painting which was 1 to 1 with what we just shot; combined with my lack of feeling in control of my life & art - I was sent into a full on psychosis as I frantically did research for hours until the early morning trying to figure what It all meant; connecting symbols, religious information, my life, the lyrics, personal meanings, etc. Nothing of the following was initially planned or in thought, there was zero direction beyond “oh you guys should tie me to a tree, cover me in animal blood, and beat me with clubs for a performance shot”. I knew absolutely nothing about the following until after the video.
I still don’t know what any of it means, but this is what I wrote with that night:
“ A Modern Depiction of St. Sebastian
St. Sebastian is a patron saint of archers (Orion) as well as of those who desire a saintly death. He was invoked as a protector during many plagues, as well during many devastating wars. As a result, he became a popular intercessor for any need, especially protection from any danger threatening life. He was initially tied to a post or tree and shot with arrows, though this did not kill him as was rescued and healed by Saint Irene, however shortly after his recovery he went to Diocletian to warn him about his sins, and as a result was clubbed to death. Saint Sebastian was previously popularly depicted by Renaissance era artists who’s martyrdom was a favorite topic for, similar to this topic also being one of the main focal subject matters in the storyline of Evanora:Unlimited.
A based on true events religious horror epic… “Evanora:Unlimited - No Country (Live Action)”
“Grant, O Lord, that amid the trials that we suffer for our sins, we may obtain by the intercession of your blessed Martyr Sebastian, that which our confidence cannot procure for us. To you, Sebastian we present our humble petition, in our trouble and necessity, cease not to pray for those who, as long as they live, will work zealously and constantly for God’s honor. Amen.“ (Prayer to St. Sebastian)
I’m a very strong believer in sigel, manifestment, prediction, and magic through the arts. It’s not really magic at all, just the law of life that the world is what you make of it / believe it to be so making things you believe in with every ounce of your existence can have great power to change your reality, good and bad, which in a sense being something that’s almost undescribable, I guess you can call it “magic“. I often don’t feel in control of what I make, it streams from subconscious in an almost blackout state then read back on later to only then “all make so much sense“. Sometimes thou after putting pieces together I’ll get genuinely scared to release it due to what I feel it’s telling me or narrative it’s making; this was def one of those times.
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