😲 U.S. Marine Tactics Surprised Me #Shorts

#shorts Amazing Tactics US MARINES A U.S. Marine fires a Mk 19 40 mm grenade launcher #YouTubeShorts Author @MilitaryRewind A blog about what is happening in the military sphere around the world! News, Technology, Military equipment, Army military exercises and funny short videos 😂 👉Subscribe and watch more👈 Development of the AGS-17 (Avtomaticheskiy Granatomyot Stankovyi—Automatic Grenade launcher, Mounted) started in the USSR in 1965 by the OKB-16 design bureau (now known as the KB Tochmash), under the leadership of Alexander F. Kornyakov.[11] This lightweight weapon was to provide infantry with close to medium range fire support against enemy personnel and unarmored targets, like trucks, half-tracks, jeeps and sandbag-protected machine-gun nests. The first prototypes of the new weapon entered trials in 1969, with mass production commencing in 1971.[11] The AGS-17 was widely operated and well-liked by Soviet troops in Afghanistan as a gro
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