Royal Reunion Aka Queen In Lisbon (1957)

Lisbon, Portugal. GV. Decorated main street in Lisbon. LV. People looking in shop window at photographs of Queen Elizabeth II and Duke of Edinburgh, & SV. CU. Portrait of Queen. Pan to portrait of Duke. CU. Two small figures. One is John Bull holding Union Jack and the other figure is Pedro the Fisherman. GV. Fountain and Opera House. SV. Portuguese people buying Union Jacks from street trader, & SCU. SV. Pan, road sweeper with a barrow. SV. Portuguese band followed by troops marching into the square. SCU. Pan, Portuguese troops marching past camera. GV. Royal Yacht Britannia sailing in at Lisbon, & nearer shot. SV. President of Republic of Portugal, General Craveiro Lopez accompanied by Madam Lopez walking down landing stage to meet the Royal barge. GV. Naval training ship bedecked with flags, ratings firing salute of guns. GV. Queen and Prince Philip being rowed ashore in the Royal barge manned by 80 Portuguese sailors in ancient naval dress. CU. People waving flags. LV. Royal barge coming alongside the
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