A People’s Church (1953)

Nottingham, England. GV. Pan building site of new peoples church (for super title). LV. Building site outside Nottingham on the Clifton Estate. LV. Pan across to people working. CU. Wooden Cross pan down to three girls polishing table. SV. Three girls polishing table and church plate. CU. Girl polishing church plate. SV. Men digging by side of foundations. SCU. Earth thrown into foundations. SV. Men working with wheelbarrows. CU. Mr. Smith (Warehouseman) and Mr. Walley (Window cleaner). FCU. Mr. Smith. FCU. Mr. Walley. LV. Mr. Branson stonemason working on tablet. CU. Mr. Branson working on inscription on tablet. SV. Elevated men including Mr. Verney (Curate). CU. Mr. Verney looking at plans of new church to accommodate about 500 people CU. Plan of new church. FCU. Mr. Jackson (Newspaper Clerk) looking at plans. FCU. Mr. Kerkham (School Master). CU. Pan church notice board pan to poster ’Laying of Foundation stone’. LV. Children with flowers arrive for ceremony. GV. Congregation at ceremony. SV. To
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