PS6 is coming! || #ps6 #ps6news #playstation #facts

We’re unlikely to see another new, mainline PlayStation console for a few years yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fantasize about what we would like to see from the next PlayStation or predict when we’re likely to get our hands on it. After all, we know that Sony is already thinking about the future, having trademarked the PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9 and PS10 names. #ps6 #ps6news #playstation #facts DZ Migo Channel Link : Links for fictional concept videos of Future Playstations by DZ Migo :- PS6 : PS7 : PS8 : PS9 : PS10 : PS11 : PS12 : PS13 : PS14 : PS15 : PS16 : PS17 : PS18 : PS19 : PS20 : Official video of PS6 by Sony : Chapters :- 0:00 Intro 0:16 PS6 is coming! 0:33 Date of release 1:14 Price 1:41 Features 3:12 Creativity by DZ Migo and Outro Please like, share and subscribe!
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