Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva 安娜·奧斯特勞諾娃 - 列別傑娃 (1871-1955) Art Nouveau Post-Impressionism Russian
Anna Petrovna Ostroumova was born in St Petersburg on May 17, 1871 into the family of a high official who subsequently became a senator; the second part of her name, Lebedev, she added after her marriage. Between 1889 and 1892, Anna studied at the Stieglitz School of Technical Drawing under Prof. Vasily Mathé. In 1892, she entered the Academy of Arts, at first attending the general classes, but later, between 1896 and 1898, taking instructions from Ilya Repin. While in Paris, in 1898-99, she worked at the studio of the American painter James Whistler.
Also in Paris she first took up engraving in earnest, continuing her studies in 1899 and 1900, upon her return to St. Petersburg, at the Academy of Arts under Vasily Mathé. Between 1899 and 1903, she stayed in Italy. After her marriage to the chemist Sergei Lebedev in 1905, they visited France, Holland, Belgium, and Spain. Toward the close of the 1900s, she perfected her skills in the technique of the watercolor under Léon Bakst in St. Petersburg. In 1900 she first exhibited her engraving on the World of Art show, and from then on she was closely connected with this art movement.
Ostroumova is best known for her woodcuts and engravings. The main theme of her art was St. Petersburg, to which she devoted several series: St. Petersburg (1908-10), Pavlovsk (1922-23), and others.
Her impressions of her frequent travels abroad (Italy, France, Spain, Holland) are imprinted in interesting and striking works: woodcuts, engravings and water-colors. A gifted and well-educated painter, Ostroumova was not able to work with oils, to which she was allergic and which caused severe asthma attacks.
The artist spent the Second World War in besieged Leningrad (St. Petersburg), continuing to work.
She died on May 5, 1955 in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
安娜·彼得羅夫娜.奧斯特勞諾娃出生在聖彼得堡1871年5月17日,進家庭誰後來成為參議員大官的;她的名字,列別傑夫的第二部分,她在結婚後加入。 1889年與1892年和安娜曾就讀於技術製圖的教授下學施蒂格利茨瓦西裡·馬特。 1892年,她進入藝術學院,在第一次參加普通班,但後來,1896年和1898年之間,距離伊利亞列賓服用說明。在巴黎期間,在1898-99,她曾在美國畫家惠斯勒詹姆斯的工作室。
此外,在巴黎她先拿起雕刻認真,繼續她的研究在1899年和1900年,在她的回歸聖聖彼得堡,在藝術下瓦西裡MATHE學院。 1899年與1903年和她住在意大利。她的婚姻化學家謝爾蓋·列別捷夫在1905年後,他們訪問了法國,荷蘭,比利時和西班牙。向著1900年結束時,她完善自己的技能在水彩畫的技術條件下萊昂巴克斯特在St.聖彼得堡。 1900年她第一次上展出的藝術向世界展示她的雕刻,從那時起,她這個藝術運動密切相關的。
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