2MARS (Feodor Dosumov) - Come Closer | guitarist, musician, virtuoso
We would like to present you our album and this video is an illustration for the title song of this album. It is the first track from the album and we would like it to present the whole album. It is the first track from the album.
This track is more close not to style fusion, it’s more close to style of the band Dirty Loops . The drummer is Chris Coleman, the bass- guitarist is Farco Dosumov, the guitarist is Feodor Dosumov. Alexander Lev Konovalov plays the red guitar. He is also a producer of many famous artists in our country, including Grigoriy Leps. Alexander and I are friends and we have decided to record this track together. I invited him to record this track because he is a really rock musician. Singing - Damien Schmitt, a very famous drummer from France.
He played with many famous people and stars and now he cooperates with the violinist Jean-Luc Ponty. He also plays with Frank Gambale and other fusion musicians. He performed in French Voice as a vocalist. He is a very musical person. He can think up a bass line or guitar line together with singing - in a few words he is a gifted musician. Damien wanted to sing this song by himself. It is really a good job!
#2MARS #FeodorDosumov #ComeCloser
Preview on Apple Music
“He laughs contagiously and espouses the cause down to the ground.”
Everybody who knows him would say so. Feodor Dosumov is a cheerful, and a very gifted musician and an innovative individual. He experiments easily, and in his music seemingly incompatible genres are intermingled: fusion and Central Asian motifs, rock and dubstep and electronic music elements. He is not just a performer but also a very sincere and straight musician, and expresses himself vividly in any piece of music.
His solo performance is a matter for discussion and his playing abounds in technical devices, his shows are outstanding and memorable.
Feodor was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He took up music at 7 what was a mere hobby. His father, Rustam Yangibaevich Dosumov, a professor and Doctor of Economics is a famous and a very respectable expert in Central Asia. His son was supposed to become an economist or a project engineer, but not a musician.
His parents insisted on his studying at the Tashkent University of Information Technology. Feodor abided by their demands and won an admission to the University to become a fiber-optic link engineer. But his great love for music kept him on the hop.
Being just 17 Feodor became the winner of the international rock-festival “Flower children” that was held in Tashkent as the best solo-guitarist. After graduating from the university Feodor moved to Moscow and entered the State Gnessins Music College to learn guitar playing. The next year he conquered the all-Russian competition of young guitarists called “Guitar’s many faces”, where he got the Grand Prix as the beat guitar player. After that he dedicated himself to music only.
An exciting creative period of Feodor’s life began. There were acquaintances and co-projects with jazz stars. During this period he learned much. Feodor played and recorded with such musicians as David Sanborn, Billy Cobham, Eric Marienthal, Damien Schmitt, Michael Shrive, Dave Koz, Hadrien Feraud and Phil Perry. Thanks to them Feodor gained his own playing style and lineaments; his individuality became more outstanding and creative.
New ideas and plans that had to be realized came up. A bass player Anton Davidyants and a drummer Damien Schmitt became his like-minded fellows.
The guys noted each other’s giftedness at the first onset. It became obvious that they had to pool their efforts in common cause. Tours, performances, co-authorship the guys enjoyed each other’s musicianship. The result of this cooperation the album called “Moscow” was appreciated not only in Russia but also abroad. Feodor began to receive invitations from West Europe to give master-classes there. He was proposed to make a course of video-tutorials for a famous English site called “JamTrackCentral”. It’s worth mentioning that while working on the album Feodor got very interested in electronic music. A track “Idea” from “Moscow” album is one of his first creative experiments, where he tried to insert electronic music elements into fusion music. Modern styles are heard more often in his works and arrangements, imparting them with a fresh an exclusive sound.
Today Feodor lives an active creative, studio and tour life.
2MARS Feodor Dosumov - Come Closer guitarist musician virtuoso band link axe fx 3 jtc jp6 backing tracks for guitar impact fuze
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