0:00 Course Introduction
3:32 About Instructor
4:33 Course Prerequisites
Studio and Amplify CLI - Introduction\
5:49 What’s Amplify and Amplify Studio and And Amplify CLI
9:10 Amplify Studio Advantages and Capabilities
13:21 Amplify Studio Pricing
Environment Setup\
14:24 Setup Development Environment - Overview
15:36 Development Tools Setup
19:00 Setting up Amplify CLI
Launch Sandbox for Amplify Studio\
26:07 Launch Sandbox - Setting up a Sandbox Data model and React App
38:26 Setup React - Create Todo
41:27 Querying and Showing Todos
44:08 Update a Todo
48:29 Delete a Todo
Amplify Studio - Build a Fullstack React App\
52:20 Getting Started with the Fullstack App - Petstore
53:33 Setup Git Repo
56:31 [Optional] Git Basics
1:01:05 Creating our Fullstack app with Amplify Studio - Creating and Seeding Data Model
1:12:05 Figma and React Components
1:14:54 Setting up Figma and Editing a Component and Syncing
1:22:03 Binding UI to Data Model
1:28:42 Setup React App and Pull Components
1:39:42 Showing our Pet Collection and Updating the Component
Component Properties & Event Handlers\
1:44:40 Component Properties - Overview
1:45:40 Editing and Adding Properties to the Components
1:52:56 Customize PetProfile Component
2:00:14 Adding onClick Delete Event via Studio - Delete Item
Navbar and Footer - Hands-On\
2:05:07 Adding a Navbar and Footer
2:11:41 Adding Props - Width - to Navbar and Footer Components
2:13:10 Extending Generated Component Code
2:16:42 Passing React Props to Components
2:19:22 Override Props
2:25:22 Extending Generated Components via Overrides Prop - Adding onClick Event In Code
2:31:59 Adding Logo Image in Amplify Studio
2:33:49 Adding Logo Image in Code
2:36:26 Add Style and Onclick Action to AddPet
Pet Form\
2:41:13 Add Pet Form - Overview
2:41:52 Creating the Add Pet Form in Figma
2:50:23 Styling the Form
2:51:36 Hiding and Showing Form
2:57:57 Setup Fields with Data and Save a Pet
3:04:24 Closing the AddPet Form
3:09:30 Pet Details - Overview
3:09:59 Setup Pet Details Rendering it in the App
3:18:19 Show Pet Data on the Details Card
3:26:59 Setting up the Details Close Button
3:29:12 Update Pet - Overview
3:29:46 Setting up Update UI
3:41:36 Updating the Pet
with AWS Amplify Studio\
3:52:05 Authentication - Overview
3:53:08 Setup the Signout Button in the Navbar
3:56:22 Adding Authentication to our App
4:06:15 Adding Signout and Showing User Profile Image
4:10:32 Add Username to Navbar - Exercise
4:11:27 Solution Adding Username to Navbar
in AWS Amplify Studio\
4:15:03 Authorization Overview
4:17:40 Set Owner Authorization Rules
4:23:41 Set Authorization Mode to Cognito User Pool and Check DynamoDB for Owner Field
4:27:15 Set a Private Authorization Rule
4:29:27 Create Group and set a Group Authorization Rule
4:32:46 Set Public Authorization Rule
with AWS Amplify Studio\
4:34:35 File Storage with AWS Amplify Studio
Amplify Studio Content Management\
4:46:03 Content Management - Overview
4:46:47 Content Management
Hosting - Hosting our App\
4:49:33 Hosting our App with Amplify Hosting
5:00:12 Clean up
5:01:31 Next Steps
1 view
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