平戸再訪:Walking around the nostalgic island of Hirado(Nagasaki, Japan)

長崎県の平戸市を再訪いたしました。和洋折衷の町並みと美しい棚田が印象的でした。今回はさらに北西へ移動し生月島へも足を運んでみました。 【Azuchi-Oshima Island】 The island is located north of the island of Hirado in Nagasaki Prefecture. The island still retains the appearance of a port town that prospered from whaling. In the Kounoura area of ​​Azuchi-Oshima, there are wooden buildings built during the Edo period(1603~1868) in a row. The townscape of the Kounoura was selected as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings by the Japanes
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