Amtrak Auto Train Operations - 05/05/2016

Back in 6th grade, I had a career shadowing project I had to complete as a final project for my English Class. As a kid I had been obsessed with Amtrak, so I wrote a letter outlining my hopes for this project, to the late Joe Boardman (CEO of Amtrak at the time), asking to career shadow someone around for the day at Amtrak. I was put into contact with the regional manager in Miami, and I was able to set this up, with the Road Forman at Auto Train, he’s since moved on. This is just a short compilation of the clips my dad shot while we were here. These were all taken with written permission from Amtrak. I’m pretty sure there’s a short clip of the cab of AMTK514, one of the last, at the time, of the Phase IV P32-8BWH’s.
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