RED DEAD REDEMPTION (2021) Movie Trailer Concept - Kit Harrington Live-Action Red Dead Movie

“Outlaws for life.“ #RedDead Movie ▼ Teaser trailer CONCEPT for a possible live-action Red Dead Redemption movie, starring Kit Harrington. Hope you enjoy, please do share! Made/Edited by Rob Long (Smasher) Subscribe to Smasher for ALL NEW Trailers & Edits! ► Follow me on Twitter! ► Follow me on Instagram! ► LIKE me on Facebook! ► Do you want me to create or edit for you? Email me below for Business Enquiries. ▸ @ #RedDeadRedemption is set during the decline of the American frontier in the year 1911 and follows John Marston, a former outlaw whose wife and son are taken hostage by the government in ransom for his services as a hired gun. ────────────────── Red Dead Redemption 2 is a video game. The visuals, story, and dialog are so good, you may have to repeatedly tell yourself that as you play through the massive open world and experience this weste
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