Mike and Jack sit down to talk about the cult classic film “Galaxy Quest” starring Tim Allen and many others. A film that has gained popularity over the years and days since it was released. Mike and Jack come at this film with different perspectives, while both appreciating it as the wonderful magical fun adventure film it is with fantastic visual FX and monsters, Jack sees the film as the memorable movie he grew up with and helped to mold his love for cinema and acting. Mike (being 37 years older than Jack) sees the film as a magical what-could-have-been kind of thing. He smells the studio meddling like a wet fart from afar. The potential for a PG-13 or R rated dry, vulgar comedy was there, but watered down by a spineless studio that wanted to G-rated Tim Allen comedy. Would it have flopped as a more adult film? Would it have been better if they went full kids tale? Don’t ya know no one will ever know! It’s a slippery pig that’s been oiled up with K-Y jelly. Mike tries to grab a hold of that piggy to see what it done be. Jack is happy with what the movie is. Mike can’t see the forest through the trees. He loves all the moments in the film. So many good moments and character choices and fun gags. But at what cost? Who done they make this movie for? Trek fans love it. But maybe not all Trek fans love it? I don’t know. Kids and Parents of all ages love it. The elderly would love it if they weren’t dead. Even foreign folks from other nations love it. What would it have been if it was made with the TOS Star Trek actors or even the TNG actors. I for one am glad it was not. While a fun “what if“ to think about it, it would have broken the 4th wall to a degree that would have been too much. They could get away with it in that one movie Wes Craven’s New Nightmare, but that’s just a Freddy movie. Not super important. Certainly not as much has Star Trek. Anyways, Galaxy Quest does indeed work as a movie. It tells the timeless tale of characters who are less than great and struggle to know themselves are thrust into a challenge and have to find it in themselves to be better and make the difference. Campbell’s Soup calls it the Hero’s Journey with Chicken and Stars. Extra noodles please!
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Galaxy Quest Review
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