21JUN22 Day#10 #ParoNacional - ‘The Ecuador Report’ - UIO Delays, Cancellations, COLOMBIA went M19

-I know there are problems in many areas of the country, and this evening in the Eastern Quito Valley Suburbs (17:25 pm LIVE) 🚨As we worked our way home from the Weekly TUE Expats meet and greet we encountered local Cumbaya Citizen Protestors in opposition to the #Paro Protestors that are now mainly near the Prez palace in downtown Quito, we are aprox 20 minutes to Centro Historico to the west, and 20 minutes to UIO to the east. -UIO is not closed and was never closed during the OCT 2019 previous #ParoNacional, Road closures due to blockades at times yes, but the UIO Terminal is open for business 24/7/365, it is up to each of the airlines if it is profitable to run a few less flights than normally at this time, 21June2022- ’At least a dozen flights canceled in Ecuador due to protests-
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