启示录 3 9 22 Behold,I stand at the door and knock Open Writer 2

启示录 3:19-22 Qǐshì lù 3:19-22 Revelation 3:19-22 19 凡 我 所疼爱的, Fán wǒ suǒ téng’ài de, Whoever I love, 我 就责备 管教 他, wǒ jiù zébèi guǎnjiào tā, I rebuked and disciplined him, 所以 你要 发 热心, suǒyǐ nǐ yào fā rèxīn, So be zealous, 也 要 悔改。 yě yào huǐgǎi. Repent too. Donation from Rixtronix LAB for the people, please enjoy and share a coffee with me,thanks Support us by subscribing, thanks Let us know your tutorial request, Please visit, thanks : Entertainment for Engineer’s break time Rixtronix LAB Channel
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