KUSHTI (PEHLWANI) - Martial Art of ancient Pakistan
We are back to ancient city Lahore. It is famous for its Badshahi Mosque and something else that we will tell you about now. Pakistan has its own martial art - Pehlwani or kushti which means “to kill“.
It is a form of wrestling contested mostly in South Asia. It was developed in the Mughal Empire by combining Persian koshti pahlevani with influences from native Indian malla-yuddha.
Meanwhile Dmytro Komarov went back to Baba Khan to prove or bust his abilities as proclaimed the strongest and heaviest man of Pakistan. We invited a representative of Guinnes World Record Book to fix his potential record in moving heavy objects (we chose a truck full of people) and to reveal hi actual weight. For those who forgot - Baba Khan proclaimed that he weights more than 400 kilograms!
Is that a true and Baba Khan is a real recordmaker?
00:00 Introduction
00:38 We are in Lahore to meet with gladiators
03:44 Meet Goga - owner of kushti school and a former national cha
3 years ago 00:58:53 5
KUSHTI (PEHLWANI) - Martial Art of ancient Pakistan