Kashk-e Bademjan (Eggplant Dip). Persian food. Персидская кухня . Кашке бадемджан. کشک

If you like eggplants Persian cuisine is just for you ! 35 min * 6 small eggplants * 1/2-1 onion * 1 tsp turmeric * 2-3 cloves garlic * ½ Cups walnuts * 1/2 Cup Kashk (yogurt whey) * Salt , pepper on your own taste (You can find kashk in Persian/Middle Eastern shops (usually in the refrigerator) or online. If you cannot find kashk , you can use sour cream, plain yogurt instead) Peel the eggplants and cut them. Heat vegetable oil in a pan, place the eggplants in the pan and fry both sides. saute the onion until golden and soft, add turmeric, stir. Add garlic, dry mint and walnuts. Add in the browned eggplants, salt and black pepper, fried onion. Once the eggplants are cooked, turn the heat off and mash the eggplants. (Blender or masher ). Add kashk. Serve warm with Iranian bread, pita, lavash or cracker. Enjoy ! Если вы любите баклажаны , персидская кухня для вас ! У иранцев огромное количество блюд
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