HETZER vs CROMWELL | vs Riveted Layered Plates Armour Piercing Simulation
While the British Cromwell cruiser tank was highly mobile, it featured relatively weak armour, with most having the armour plates being bolted to a weak steel frame, at 0°. This creates quite an interesting penetration event, as presented in the simulation.
This armour array offers significantly less protection than its thickness and mass suggest, with the residual velocity of the projectile being compared to that against a monolithic 77mm RHA plate. The RHA used is ~260BHN (80 I.T) and the steel frame has been modelled as structural steel with a hardness of ~150BHN.
The body of the projectile was made rigid for these simulations to reduce computational time, as at this impact velocity, impact angle, and plate thickness there would be no shattering and little deformation of the projectile.
Amazing thumbnail artwork from: 3d_molier
and penetration hole images found by Peasant
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