Graphic pictures show thoroughness of General Montgomery’s preparation of assault on Wadi ...(1943)
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Graphic pictures show thoroughness of General Montgomery’s preparation of assault on Wadi Zemzen.
Full Description:
EGYPT: Alexandria
View of Alexandria; Four Good GTV pans of Alexandria showing buildings, etc.
LIBYA, Africa: Montgomery with War Correspondents.
LV Montgomery with Ashwood and two correspondents, sitting on steps leading to camouflaged hut.
Good Scenes:
SCU Montgomery with Ashwood looking at map. SV Montgomery gets up from sitting on steps, Ashwood and two correspondents salute and walk away. FULL CUFV Montgomery in conversation.
Marble Arch, Africa: GV pan desert, barren. GV narren desert and road pan to CU sign “SYDNEY ROAD“ and “MEMORIAL.“ CU pan large sign “EL ALAMEIN.“ GBV convoy of lorries thru “MARBLE ARCH.“ LV lorries thru Arch pan up to Arch. CU top of Arch with inscription in Italian. LBV lorries thru Arch. CU pan up f