Shodashi Tripura Sundari Mantra Jaap 108 Repetitions ( Dus Mahavidya Series )
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Sodashi / Tripura Sundari ( Beautiful Goddess of Three Worlds )
Sinduraruna Vigraham Trinayanam Manikyamauli Sphurat
Tara Nayaka Shekharam Smitamukhi Mapina Vakshoruham
Panibhyamalipoorna Ratna Chashakam Raktotpalam Bibhratim
Saumyam Ratna Ghatastha Raktacharanam Dhyayet Paramambikam
Means, The Divine mother is to be meditated upon as shining in a vermilion-red body, with three eyes, sporting a crown of rubies studded with the crescent moon, a face all smiles, a splendid bust, one hand holding a jewel-cup brimming with mead, and the other twirling a red lotus.
Sri Vidya, Sodashi, Tripura-Sundari, She is charming, loverly and is believed as timeless sixteen year’s beautiful old girl of three Worlds (World, Heaven, Hades) She believed to embody with sixteen types or all the desire. Represent’s the force of sexual and other all desires. ’Rudra-Shiva’.
The incarnation of this form of Adya-Shakti is well known as by her many names, Tripur-Sundari (Most beautiful and charming Goddess of three worlds Heaven, World and Hades), Lalita (the one who plays) and Sodashi(a girl of timeless sixteen year old and who is completed with all sixteen types of desire, represents a delectable stage of a Woman’s life), Kameswari (Site of Lord Shiva’s lap or goddess of sexual lust desire in females), Sri-Vidya (Knowledge of wealth, richness), Rajrajeswari (Queen of the queens in three worlds), Bala (female child).
Adhya Shakti or Primal Female Power, manifest herself in two main aspect related with colors, first is Kali’s with black form and second is Sri’s with red form and the goddess comes under is known as their family.
Kali-Kula or Kali’s family and Sri-Kula or Sri’s family is known as two different categories of in Hinduism. She is the prime in Sri-Kula or Sri’s family, this category of Shakti is starts with her. iShakti or female power sect of Hinduism is divided in two families, according to this two families. As they differ with colors followers of Kali Kula used black color elements, wear black clothes and Sri Kula used red color elements, wear red clothes.
She is a great Tantric scholar and play a significant role in Tantrism. She is also known as the goddess of black magic, nothing is impossible with her. As in Hinduism, she is only goddess who is with all filled or completed desire, as their worshipers or devotee is able to do any thing, whats they want.
As she is a sixteen years old, its believed that, devotees and worshipers of her always being young even in old ages, they looks charming and great power to attract people. She also consider as, with the combination of power of Kali and Knowledge of Tara.
Note - Compositing Animation and Music Composition has all done by me. Copyright rules apply.
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Shodashi Tripura Sundari Mantra Jaap 108 Repetitions ( Dus Mahavidya Series )
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