Martin 000C-16RGTE Demo/Sound test - Eugene Chernov
Playing my Martin 000C-16RGTE without any FX or edining for you to estimate the tone of that great guitar.
This Martin 000C-16RGTE is a 2002 model and is incredibly comfortable to play. Despite her compact size, she delivers a rich low end. Sometimes, even a bit too much, causing the bass notes to rumble a little. However, the treble strings sound fantastic. When playing fingerstyle, the melodies come through nice and clear, and not tinny at all.
I do my best not to neglect the electric guitar and bass, but at the moment, I find myself practicing mostly on this guitar. And, of course, there will be plenty more fingerstyle covers to come. So make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for updates.
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2 years ago 00:03:24 2
Martin 000C-16RGTE Demo/Sound test - Eugene Chernov