Only on Romero Picture’s Heavy Metal Indie Brigade Network: George C. Romero will be LIVE- July 3rd @ 9pm EST on the Romero Pictures’ Indie Brigade FB page & YT Channel (Links Below. Please Like, Follow & Sub). His guests will be- Actor, Musician, Producer & Director: Richard Grieco- who will be discussing his new music video/single “Six Feet Away“ (which will PREMIERE on the RPIB YouTube Channel 07/03/20 @ 8pm EST) & Producer, DGA & UPM: Michael Mandaville (Taken, Taken 2, Taken 3) w/ the Covid Response Series Part 2.
Followed by David Lee Madison’s “The End of the Night“
... @ 11pm EST w/ Special Guests- Actress, Writer & Director: Judy Norton (The Waltons and Much more) & Dan Parent, an award winning writer and artist from the classic Archie Comic Book series!
Live Onscreen Q&A for both shows pulled from:
Romero Pictures’ Indie Brigade YouTube channel:
Romero Pictures’ Indie Brigade Facebook Page:
#filmsusedtobedangerous #indie_brigade #blamejoe #theendofthenight
Subscribe to the Romero Pictures’ Indie Brigade podcast with one of the many links below!
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#RichardGrieco #Booker #21JumpStreet #6FeetApart #TheWaltons #ArchieComicsShow more