Deep Mandelbrot Zoom , final magnification 2^838 .

This is the deepest zoom I have renderd sofar. I first rendered this in 2002. But I recently remade it with nicer colour rendering. It goes very near the the left tip of the Mandebrot Set - so it does no look quite like the ordinary zoom sequences you see. One problem with really deep zooms is to get to some interesting point without hitting “the computational wall“. I.e. The computation takes “forever“. If done on a single computer it would take about 3.5 years on a 1 HGZ Athlon Thunderbird, and on a 2x2HGz Core2Duo about 1 year (assuming 32 bit code). If on the other hand you would do this on 25 MHz 386 sx:es you would have to have 135 of them running continously from 1990 until now. Cost for electricity (assuming 50W / machine) would be close to 1.1 million SEK or 150,000 USD with current prices. Well of course you would have plenty of time thinking about optimizations :-)
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