【鏡音レン 10th ANNIVERSARY】『DoReMiFa Rondo』【Kagamine Len V4x】
originally uploaded Dec 27, 2017 with 2,107 views
original description reads:
“So this is a cover I have had done for some time but decided to wait for his anniversary to release it. All that there is left to complete is the final cover for the year and then I will be working on the final batch of covers for January and February before the shift in my channel’s content.
Hopefully by March I will be providing you guys with the full details on where I will be going with my channel and what things will stay the same, and what will change.
To whet your palette on what I mean by all this is that I’ve come to a point where I feel I need to start doing something more than just covers since I’m also working on another couple projects that aren’t Vocaloid at all. More details will follow in a possibly recorded video this upcoming Spring.
The video may possibly cover some issues I’ve had to address over the past couple years regarding my channel such as the period
9 months ago 02:16:48 2
✨ 채널좌 그는 신인가?? | 2024년 5월 VOCALOID 보컬로이드 인기차트 TOP 50 | ▶PLAYLIST
1 year ago 00:03:38 2
【MMD】ワールズエンド・ダンスホール/World’s End Dancehall +camera DL【YYB Kagamine Rin Len/鏡音リン・レン_10th】