#dantirels #linocut
Lino cut example using water based block printing ink and coloured paper
Unlike some of my previous demos, for this, you will need to invest in some materials which will enable you to progress. All the products used are available online or from any good art supplier, you will also find many linoprinting kits available that will provide you with all the materials you need.
Important : ONLY USE BLOCK PRINTING INK (paint will NOT work)
Use these useful links to skip a section or watch the process again
0:00 Sketching out some simple ideas
2:08 Use a black marker pen to highlight the composition
6:30 Trace over the artwork to transfer onto the lino sheet
8:21 Draw out the (reverse) image onto the lino
9:49 Select a suitable cutting blade (most cutters come with a selection)
11:00 Carefully begin the cutting of the design
15:33 The finished lino printing sheet (make changes to original sketch if needed)
16:00 Preparing the coloured paper
1 view
5 months ago 00:05:29 1
Aaron Parks Little Big - “Rising Mind“ @ musig im pflegidach, Muri