Dragonflies hunt by predicting the future

Join me in pursuit of one of the coolest critters anywhere (but I seem to have an abundance of them here in NC) - Dragonflies! In this video I’m breaking down dragonfly flight with a high-speed camera. Dragonflies are some pretty incredible insects, and the way they fly (or more accurately - the multiple ways they fly!) are fascinating. I hope you enjoy this journey to film, then understand, dragonfly flight in my backyard. Check out the second channel with bonus content and Q&A videos! @AlphaPhoenix2 Special thanks to my top Patreon supporters! birdiesnbritts John Sosa Trustham Vladimi...r Shklovsky Aloysius Sparglepartz Jason Whatley Lohann Paterno Coutinho Ferreira Jeffrey Mckishen nothings Eugene Pakhomov Glenn Willen R520 Nick F Mirko Rener Chris Connett Tyler Filla Miles Freeman Benjamin Manns MPG Seth Reuter Danny Thomas Toby T Lucy Fur tiaz Chris Duvarney Nick Wage John T Media Credits: I Dunno by grapes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license () A Far Cry - W. A. Mozart, Symphony in D YouTube Music License Rossini - William Tell Overture (by Rossini).mp3 YouTube Music License Cool papers to read: Capture Success and Efficiency of Dragonflies Pursuing Different Types of Prey () Color vision and color formation in dragonflies () Why are wasps so intimidating: Field experiments on hunting dragonflies (Odonata: Aeshna grandis) () Eye movements and target fixation during dragonfly prey-interception flights () Motion camouflage in dragonflies ()
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