Join me in pursuit of one of the coolest critters anywhere (but I seem to have an abundance of them here in NC) - Dragonflies!
In this video I’m breaking down dragonfly flight with a high-speed camera. Dragonflies are some pretty incredible insects, and the way they fly (or more accurately - the multiple ways they fly!) are fascinating. I hope you enjoy this journey to film, then understand, dragonfly flight in my backyard.
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Special thanks to my top Patreon supporters!
John Sosa Trustham
...r Shklovsky
Aloysius Sparglepartz
Jason Whatley
Lohann Paterno Coutinho Ferreira
Jeffrey Mckishen
Eugene Pakhomov
Glenn Willen
Nick F
Mirko Rener
Chris Connett
Tyler Filla
Miles Freeman
Benjamin Manns
Seth Reuter
Danny Thomas
Toby T
Lucy Fur
Chris Duvarney
Nick Wage
John T
Media Credits:
I Dunno by grapes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ()
A Far Cry - W. A. Mozart, Symphony in D
YouTube Music License
Rossini - William Tell Overture (by Rossini).mp3
YouTube Music License
Cool papers to read:
Capture Success and Efficiency of Dragonflies Pursuing Different Types of Prey ()
Color vision and color formation in dragonflies ()
Why are wasps so intimidating: Field experiments on hunting dragonflies (Odonata: Aeshna grandis) ()
Eye movements and target fixation during dragonfly prey-interception flights ()
Motion camouflage in dragonflies ()Show more