Nixie Tube Spectrum Analyzer - The IN-9 Nixielyzer
A look at a prototype of the new IN-9 Nixie tube spectrum analyzer from Mr Nixie.
Available as a kit or pre-assembled via Kickstarter
- Other Mr Nixie products are available here:
Note: I am not affiliated with Mr Nixie or this Kickstarter campaign.
I am not on commission. I paid for my Nixielyzer and Mr Nixie assembled it. I was not paid to make this video - it just earns the usual Google Adsense advert revenue from their embedded adverts.
Kickstarter as you are no doubt aware by now is not a traditional store - you back projects rather than directly buy the products. Delivery isn’t guaranteed. I have some kickstarters from other campaigns still awaiting delivery that I backed over four years ago. Backing any kickstarter campaign involves a risk.
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----------Outro Music-----------
Over Time - Vibe Tracks
------Outro Sound Effect------
ThatSFXGuy -