➡️Colors used:
Pebeo Iridescent Gold
Amsterdam Copper
Master’s Touch Turquoise Green Golden Payne’s Gray
Master’s Touch Pearlized Golden Green (my new favorite color!)
➡️Swipe catalyst(Cell Activator) : Amsterdam Oxide Black Australian Floetrol 1:2〜1:3
➡️Even if you don’t have Australian Floetrol or hard to get it,don’t worry Molly has other options in the class!
➡️Pour Paint Tray : Purchased at Hobby Lobby🇺🇸
I have been having a hard time for getting the best ingredients by accessibility for my favorite Bloom and Bloom Swipe Technique.
For that reason I couldn’t do bloom swipe for a w
So I decided to use a different pouring medium and learn on “ Swipe Technique Masterclass“ by Molly’s Artistry.
She is a great artist as you know and I’m huge fan of her beautiful work especially her swipe!
Of course She has many videos on YouTubeShow more