Chicken🍗 Rice! Two Turkish Ways

Most popular dish with chicken: Chicken rice! I am going to show two ways in Turkish cuisine we make.➡️ First Chicken Kapama “Tavuk Kapama“ / Mişöriz - Mishoriz; and second one “Tavuklu Nohutlu Pilav“ Chicken with Rice and Chickpeas. Ingredients For Chicken Kapama: 1 whole chicken except breast part or about 8-10 pieces of drumstick 2 tbsp butter 1 onion 4 tbsp olive oil 2 1/2 cup long grain rice like Turkish Osmancık or Baldo or “Cal Rose“ about tsp salt Join this channel to get access to perks: Check these Chicken Recipes as well: Roast Whole Chicken Easy Way: Chicken Shish Kebab: Delight Chicken: Chicken Islim Kebab: Rice with Chicken & Chickpea
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