学中文- 一年四季/春夏秋冬| Learn Chinese for Kids - Seasons of The Year| Aprender Chino - Las Cuatro Estaciones

To download free worksheets on or search SUPERCUCOSKIDS in FACEBOOK. In this video, you can learn how to say and write “Spring, Warm, Summer, Hot, Fall/Autumn, Cool, Winter, Cold “ in Chinese mandarin. The pronunciation, pinyin and characters. 学习¨春天,暖,夏天,热,秋天,凉,冬天,冷¨的汉语普通话的发音,拼音和文字书写。欢迎到我的网页或脸书下载素材,制作自己的识字卡片。 Aprender las pronunciaciones, pinyin y los símbolos simplificados de vocabulario de las cuatro estaciones. VOCABULARIES FOR KIDS, focus on Pronunciation and Writing so kids can be familiar with Chinese Characters. The idea of this serie is to cover Basic Words by Themes: MERRY CHRISTMAS: TOYS: FALL / AUTUMN: SUMMER: SPRING: WINTER: HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR: VEGETABLES PART 1: VEGETABLES PART 2: FRUITS:
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