Italian Chef Reacts to Most Popular PORCHETTA VIDEOS

Porchetta is a specialty from the center of Italy, and it is really delicious! You can be creative making it, BUT there is a limit! The first video made me feel sick, I had stomach ache watching that 🤢 they ruined everything using very poor quality ingredients! The second one definitely made my mouth water 🤤 and that’s why you shouldn’t bastardize Italian recipes... ’cause if done in the right way you can have a very high quality end product! 💯 Follow this link to watch my Porchetta video recipe: #porchetta #reaction #vincenzosplate =============================================== 📺SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL (IT’S FREEEEEE ;-) Join this channel to get access to perks: 🕴Here is the link to Buy my Merch (and the No Pineapple on Pizza T-shirt): 📖Share it with your FOODIE friends on FACEBOOK 🍝Check out my website to get more recipe
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