Though supplemented with techniques from both Kito Ryu and Tenjin Shinyo Ryu Jiujitsu, Tomiki Aikido’s main source art is Daito Ryu AikiJiujitsu as taught by Morihei Ueshiba. Kenji Tomiki’s training occurred while Ueshiba was still studying under Sokaku Takeda, the then head of Daito Ryu, and under the Daito Ryu name. Tomiki himself always maintained that what he studied was Daito Ryu Aikijiujitsu. This video demonstrates some key Daito Ryu influences on Tomiki Aikido and Daito Ryu inspired techniques as executed in competition.
4 years ago 02:02:34 1
Daito играет в The ascent
4 years ago 00:02:36 2
The Daito Ryu Roots of Tomiki Aikido
6 years ago 00:30:56 12
Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Documentary (2/6) Takeda Tokimune and the Daito-kan
4 years ago 01:56:16 77
Daito ryu aiki jujutsu: What is aiki? / Дайто рю айки дзюдзюцу: что такое айки?
13 years ago 00:00:57 36
party in the mouth 20100811 (daito + motoi + tomoaki)