I originally wanted to just do it like the previous two uploads, going “iT’s nOT a GaRBaGe DUmP it’S aN OrK WAr FLeeT“ but because Orks are smelly there are no good pictures online of Ork ships and I was too lazy to redownload BFGA2 and scrub the ships from there so here. Also, it would be disrespectful to show Orks yeeting a ship of the Machine God. Instead, let’s all hold hands (in all decency and piety) and appreciate the underappreciated Adeptus Mechanicus because it is subjectively the best faction.
✦ Video voiceover:
» Frontman: Kiyodai ()
» Cogman: Magos Speakonia
✦ Music list:
♩♫ Chaos Approaches (Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 OST)
♩♫ Noosphere (Mechanicus OST)
✦ Twitter:
#W40K #Mechanicus #Warp
5 months ago 02:04:50 1
Music compilation for reading\painting Warhammer 40k
12 months ago 00:29:02 1
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus | ВО ИМЯ ОМНИССИИ! [ОБЗОР]
1 year ago 03:59:36 3
Titanium Wars on the air - 122. In battle again and again. Administratum. Defend your planet.