Continental Caravan Rally (1961)

Chatsworth, Derbyshire. M/S of a sign reading ’Douane / Zoll’ on a barrier across a field; the barrier is opened for a car towing a caravan; a man with a clipboard shakes hands with the driver and checks his documents. M/S from the caravan’s front window as the car drives on into the field, passing many European flags; commentator tells us “We’re visiting the Continental section of this year’s National Caravan Rally“. C/U of a sign reading ’Keep Right’ in French, German and English; pan left to show several caravans decorated with triangular coloured flags or pennants. A man hammers a sign reading ’Zimmer Frei’ (’Room to Let’) into the ground outside his caravan; we are told that all these people have actually toured the Continent by caravan. An elderly man in a serious cardigan attaches yet another string of Continental souvenir flags to his caravan awning, before sitting down with his wife for a cup of tea (or Continental coffee) and a Continental biscuit from a Continental tin. M/S of two horrend
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