Anglo-Saxon Varangian Guard (Byzantine Empire)

After the defeat at Hastings and the death of Anglo-Saxon (Ænglisc) King Harold Godwinson by Norman forces under Duke William in 1066, Anglo-Saxon (Ænglisc) attempted overthrow Norman yoke with no avail. As the Papacy legitimize Norman conquest of England in 1070, Ænglisc ally Kingdom of Alba (Scots) submitted to Norman overlordship in 1072 and the death of Viking Danish King Sveinn Ástríðarson in 1074 made little chance of restoring Ænglisc rule on Britain. A group of Ænglisc warrior led by Earl (Jarl) Siward (Sigurðr) of Gloucester embarked with 350 ships from britain to Constantinople (Miklagård). As the normans also roams the mediterranean, Ænglisc warrior met again with normans on the other side of Europe.
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