Hazır Gergi Tavan, Lighting Box, Kolay Gergi Tavan Montajı, Gergi Tavan Nasıl Yapılır?
Lighting box, Textil box, عرض فرملس النسيج LED ضوء مربع المصنعين Gergi Tavan İsteyene Malzeme Gönderiyoruz.
İsteyene İşi Ögretiyoruz. İsteyenin İşini Yapıyoruz.
Turkey İstanbul Üsküdar
whatspp,imo,telegram,Mobile : 90 538 237 77 72
Office : 90 216 505 08 09
E-mail : belemiryapi@
#Lightingbox #hazırgergitavan #textilbox #tekstil box
We send our products to wide range of foreign countries and we also could handle
projects out of Turkey.
We also give training to you or your team about stretch ceiling installation.
We have English-Russian-Arabic speaking sales and customer service team colleagues.
Looking forward to get your orders and welcome you at our office in Istanbu
2 years ago 00:08:49 5
Hazır Gergi Tavan, Lighting Box, Kolay Gergi Tavan Montajı, Gergi Tavan Nasıl Yapılır?