AWESOME Satisfactory Factory Tour

AWESOME Satisfactory Factory Tour Read More Below Today we’re checking out this AWESOME Satisfactory Factory Tour sent in by Fromscratch. You can also submit your factory to be toured in my discord factory tour application. Find it here: Find all my blueprints on Patreon: Want to check out my music? Spotify: *********************************** AFFILIATES & REFERRALS Purchases using these links may provide some compensation to Totalxclipse ►Dedicated Servers: 20% off your first month use the code: TOTALXCLIPSE ►Epic Games Code: “TotalXclipse“ ******************************...***** WAYS TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL Become A Patron On Patreon: Become A YouTube Member: Donate Directly With: ► Youtube Superthanks ► *********************************** Extra Content Check out my copyright free lofi music! Spotify: *********************************** FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE Discord: Twitch: Twitter: Instagram: Spotify: Website: ​ *********************************** Live Content Schedule: (GMT - June - 2024) ► Mon: 6pm Twitch ► Tue: - 7pm Twitch ► Wed: 6pm Twitch ► Thu: - ► Fri: - ► Sat: 6pm Twitch ► Sun: - *********************************** About: Satisfactory Satisfactory is a first-person open-world factory building game with a dash of exploration and combat. Pioneering for FICSIT Incorporated means charting and exploiting an alien planet, battling alien lifeforms, creating multi-story factories, entering conveyor belt heaven, automating vehicles, and researching new technologies. This Factorio like game has heavy automation, with automated mining, crafting, and you can even automate movement! #TotalXclipse #SatisfactoryMegabaseTour #Satisfactoryfactorytour
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