Unissued / Unused material.
Shots taken at a reception given for Mr and Mrs Clement Attlee on their Silver Wedding anniversary by Mr and Mrs Herbert Morrison and attended by the Cabinet. London.
MS back view of Mr and Mrs Herbert Morrison chatting to Alfred Barnes, Minister of Transport. MS’s group of Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Health, The Morrisons, Barnes, and Hugh Dalton, Chancellor of the Exchequer. MS’s Aneurin Bevan and the Morrisons. CU Morrison helping himself to cakes, proffered by his wife. MS’s the Morrisons and Ernest Bevin, Foreign Minister, drinking together.
CU Bevin, biting his lip as if deep in thought. MS’s A V Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty, chatting to George Hall, Colonial Minister. MS’s John Strachey, Food Minister, chatting. CU Ellen Wilkinson, former Minister of Education, chatting. CU’s Mr and Mrs Attlee shaking hands with various people. CU’s Attlees and Morrisons chatting and drinking. MS’s Tom Williams, Minister of Agriculture, in a group. MS Ellen Wilkinson a