Casa L4 concrete residence in Pinamar, Argentina, project Luciano Kruk Arquitectos.

Costa Esmeralda is located thirteen kilometers north off the city of Pinamar and four hours away from Buenos Aires. Barrio Marítimo II, where the plot of land is located, is set parallel to the sea. A screen of pines lies between the neighborhood and the seacoast, thus respecting the 200 meter setback required by provincial regulations. Lines of maritime pines occupied the lot, an almost virgin sand dune. Regarding the terrain’s topography, while there is a two meters slope from side to side, it descends longitudinally in a soft slant toward the sea. Two were the reasons for choosing the materiality. On the one side, having built other houses in exposed concrete, we knew this material stays in good conditions for a long time practically with no maintenance. On the other, we thought its color and texture would establish a harmonious dialogue with the place’s natural surroundings. Widespread, bright and intimately related to the outside, the social area should be the most important part of the hou
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