Rusted shovel restoration.
In our old barn I found a rusted shovel that had a broken handle. I decided to restore it.
Intro 00:00
1. I cleaned the shovel of rough rust. 00:30
2. I removed the broken handle. 00:47
3. I leveled the unevenness on the shovel with a file and a hammer. 02:03
4. Grinding rust on a shovel clean. The lamella disc and the grinding wheel were finally used with little differently and worn out not like on video, I wanted to use even the old but functional tools :) 02:49
5. I painted the shovel against rust 2 times. 03:13
6. I made a new handle on the shovel. 03:28
7. I sanding and painted the handle with protective waterproof oil. 04:27
8. I attached the handle to the shovel I used a modified nail . 04:45
Thanks for watching my videos on canal Miri crafts.
Have a nice day.
Obnova hrdzavej lopaty.
V našej starej stodole som našiel hrdzavú lopatu ktorá mala zlomenú rukoväť. Rozhodol som sa ju obnoviť.
1. Očistil som lopatu od hrubej hrdze.
2. Demontoval som zlomenú rukoväť.
3. Zarovna
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