ElectroTechnique TSynth - Teensy 4.1 based DIY Synthesizer
▶️ Germany - Coq Au Lo Res
▶️ Germany - Munichen Audio
▶️ NY, US - inpublic space
▶️ Switzerland - Analog Labs Swiss
▶️ Bulk orders of 5 now available on Tindie
TSynth is a low cost DIY desktop synthesizer based on the PJRC Teensy 4.1 micro-controller board. It is 12 note polyphonic, velocity sensitive with capabilities found on synths costing ten times more.
All sounds from TSynth - assembled on Live 10 with EQ, reverb and compression.
It is open source code and the PCB and front panel are now available to buy on Tindie.
▶️ See website for full specifications:
▶️ TSynth demonstrated by someone with more talent - Survival Hacking’s Davide Gatti:
4 years ago 00:03:03 40
ElectroTechnique TSynth - Teensy 4.1 based DIY Synthesizer