Cad Bane Destroys the Krayt Dragon! BEST F2P Krayt Dragon Raid Team for Max Damage - NO JABBA!

We have probably the best F2P team in Galaxy of Heroes to get max damage in the Krayt Dragon Raid WITHOUT having Jabba the Hutt! Check out Playbook’s video showcasing it - Join the Kyber Club VIP Program! Private streams, emotes, private Discord server, and collect Kyber Crystals to show the galaxy your UNLIMITED POWER! - Support the Music Artists ► Fury Weekend - Black to the Future Download: ► Fury Weekend - The Vanishing Pt. II Download: ► Scandroid - Aphelion (Battlejuice Remix) Download: ► Scandroid - The Veil (Synthatiger Remix) Download: ►Star Wars Imperial March Synth Cove
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