Pelukis Jalanan di Kota Tua_Уличный художник рисует мой портрет в Джакарте| Street Artist Paints
#vladimirkiri #seni #jakarta #владимиркири #джакарта #индонезия
Hello, guys!
Here is my small video of the process of my portrait being painted by the artist at Kota Tua in Jakarta! I adore art and I am amazed by the talent of pelukis jalanan in Jakarta. Every time I pass Pasar Seni or locations where painters work I always support them. I love painting too, so, please, I encourage you to support local artists too. It is a hard job to paint and you probably know how difficult to promote your works!
5 years ago 00:01:14 3
Pelukis Jalanan di Kota Tua_Уличный художник рисует мой портрет в Джакарте| Street Artist Paints