Many listeners have requested 10 hour version of the original Tinnitus Smoother, which had a 4 hour listen time. So here it is. Thank you listeners for your suggestion. The audio is revised just slightly higher at 5700 Hz compared to the original at 5500 Hz.. The ten hour length is ideal for listeners who want an overnight listen. There is no voiceover introduction, just the 5.7 kHz noise start to finish.
Noise masking listening is known, in some cases, to relieve tinnitus to some degree (not completely). The volume of this sound should be set below the sound level of the tinnitus in the listener’s mind. This minds, often will tune into this newly introduced sound and become less focused on the tinnitus sound.
Noise masking is only part of the tinnitus well being treatment, which also includes, health and wellness, and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). These facets are best approached under the care of medical professionals such as an audiologist or ENT doctor.
My professional specialty is audio production and sound creation. A four decade career in sound has created tinnitus for me, like many in this and other loud industrial professions. This started a journey into making sounds that may help relieve tinnitus for some listeners. The unique variety of tinnitus types and causes makes noise masking hit or miss. Try is and see.
The screen dims at 60 minutes for a dark overnight listen.
Thanks for listening, Dale
Do you have an idea for a Noise Ambient creation? I am all ears. Please leave a comment.
The Tinnitus & Ear Fatigue Masking Playlist:
Related Video Creations:
The Tinnitus Scrubber:
The Tinnitus Zapper:
The Tinnitus Soother:
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Try Super Thanks :)
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Tinnitus Soother v2 5700 Hz Noise Masking 1 & 10 hour audio downloads
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DaleSnale is an audio specialist and content creator, not a trained audio therapist.
The Dalesnale - Noise Ambient YouTube channel is for entertainment purposes only, and should never be used to replace any medical advice or treatment. If you have a medical condition or ailment, consult a medical expert.
Listening to any sounds at a high level for prolonged periods is unhealthy as stated by OSHA guidelines. Always listen at medium or low levels that feel comfortable.
By using this channel you do so at your own risk. The DaleSnale - Noise Ambient YouTube channel accepts no liability in part or in full for any damages or injury caused by the use of any content provided. Do not operate machinery or drive while listening or viewing DaleSnale - Noise Ambient content.
1 view
1 year ago 04:00:01 1
Tinnitus Soother is Mid-Range Focused 5500Hz Noise