Tiny Moving Parts - “Common Cold“ (Official Video)

Tiny Moving Parts - “Common Cold“ featuring Conor Murphy (Foxing) from the album Celebrate out now Order now Itunes Bandcamp LP & CD Amazon Dir: Kyle Thrash Prod: Justin Scutieri DP/ Edit: John Komar 1st AC: Jordan Alazruei 2nd AC: Karl Fernandez Gaffer: Jacob Overholt Grip: Dan White Grip: Bryan Arnold Art Dir: Topher Newton Art Asst: Laura Hill Color: Samuel Gursky & Lyle Zanca Location: Katie Lynch @ Weichert Realtors Special Thanks: Fred Feldman, Lisa Garelick, Conor Murphy, John McCully Jr, Nick Colletta, Christine Shei, The Mattheisen & Chevalier Family. Connect w...ith Tiny Moving Parts
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