The FED Policies to Cause Bank Runs and The Death of The Dollar !!

The FED Policies to Cause Bank Runs and The Death of The Dollar !! The US Dollar is the original shitcoin with an unlimited supply, inflation at any time controlled by a small group, no accountability to the holders, and backed by violence instead of assets. We are in a debt-based, debt soaked system that requires continual growth of dollars to satisfy the debt. But then the creation if those dollars makes the debt even deeper, so more dollars are created, thereby making the debt even more significant. We have reached a point of negative return on new dollars created. All systems of growth come to an end. Welcome to The Atlantis Report. Rumors has it Deutsche Bank files for bankruptcy tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what Christine Lagarde will say when she speaks for the first time from her new position. Deutsche Bank is the most significant domino in Europe’s very shaky financial system. When it fully collapses, it will set off a chain reaction that nobody is going to be able to stop. Da
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