List of abbreviation/Lista abrevieri (US/Romanian terms):
*mr/cm - magic ring/cerc magic;
*ch/ocl – chain/ochi de lant;
*slst/oa – slip stich/ochi alunecat;
*sc/ps – single crochet/piciorus scurt;
*hdc/pm – half double crochet/piciorus mare;
*dc/pd – double crochet/piciorus dublu;
*st/oc – stich/ochi;
*sts/oc - stiches/ochiuri;
*yo – yarn over/jeteu;
*yo2/j2 – yarn over 2 times/jeteu de 2 ori;
*yo3/j3 – yarn over 3 times/jeteu de 3 ori;
*yo4/j4 – yarn over 4 times/jeteu de 4 ori;
*FLO/BDF – front loop only/doar bucla din fata;
*BLO/BDS – back loop only/doar bucla din spate;
*wb/li – work back/lucreaza inapoi;
*R/R- row/rand;
*inc/c – increase/creste;
*dec/d – decrease/descreste;
*... ... – make all stiches in one stich/faceti toate ochiurile intr-un singur ochi
*(...)x... – repeat the instructions in brackets the given number of times/repeta instructiunile dintre paranteze de un numar dat de ori;
Example: (3yo2)x3 means you need to make (3 times yo2 in one single stich)x repeat what’s in the brackets 3 times. Follow the video steps to see details/ Exemplu: (3j2)x3 inseamna ca trebuie sa faceti (de 3 or j3 intr-un singur ochi)x repetati ce este in paranteza de 3 ori. Urmariti pasii din video pentru a vedea detaliat.
* (... ...) – „plus” means all you see in brackets have to be done in 1 stich/”plus” inseamna ca tot ce se afla in paranteze se lucreaza intr-un singur ochi;
Example: (hdc dc) means you make a hdc and a dc in 1 stich/Exemplu: (pm pd) inseamna ca faceti pm si pd intr-un singur ochi.
*FO/IL – fasten off/Incheie lucrul.
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1 view
7 months ago 00:27:23 1
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