Cattle Decapitation - Finish Them (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Official artist merch:
Directed by: Nicholas Vidler / NJV Media ()
Vocalist Travis Ryan comments: “When traveling to Australia to embark on our Australia/New Zealand/Japan tour in early 2020, we wondered what would await us on their soil as bushfires were raging, claiming the lives of millions of wild animals, altering the lives of many of our fans and citizens of Australia. What we didn’t expect was record turnouts with serious rabid fans that I think just wanted to take their minds off the current state of affairs and do their best to have a good time given the utterly shit circumstances they were experiencing. We quickly organized meet and greets at the last minute and were able to raise well over $25,000AUD for the Cobargo Wildlife Sanctuary, who had pretty much lost everything in the fires. Thanks to the incredible support from our fans down under and through other folks ready to help, they were able to rebuild. We really felt like we had been given a gift by the fans, so we wanted to give back to these people who came out and raged with us by releasing our final music video for ’Death Atlas,’ which showcases how sick the shows were and how truly amazing our fans are. Look close, maybe you’ll find yourself in the crowd! Looking forward to returning to the stage one day, hopefully soon!“
FIRE! On the horizon
Incineration of a species
The cremation of a disease
With flame and gases reducing to ashes
Entire nations - all human communities
Poisoning everything - stripped of all immunities
This is the way we deal with our own kind
Self-destructing power of the human mind
Burn! Back from whence you came
Return to carbon once again
Now we see that the true evil has a face
Now we know the devil is the human race
Cursed be our society
which finds its end rather dramatically
Part anthropologic, part organically
the course of nature knows no amnesty
On the smoldering horizon
The fumes of sulphur choking out Poseidon
The ocean boiling its contents
Mother Nature on the offense
Sterilizing the earth with flame
Beating humanity at its own game
Their footprint now buried in the soot
of a pale horse with a cloven hoof
We purge with fire and we finish them
We light the fuse and we diminish them
We fight the fire with a nuclear flash
Deconstruct everything that’s built to last
We fuck biology’s eye sockets
We skull fuck futures for our profits
We’d kill the universe given the chance
Emptied of time by its draining sands
So we burn…
Never to extinguish
Follow Cattle Decapitation:
#cattledecapitation #finishthem #deathatlas #australia
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