Cattle Decapitation - A Photic Doom (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
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Though many bands have tried, no one articulates the real apocalypse humanity is facing as vividly and succinctly as CATTLE DECAPITATION. With 2019’s Death Atlas, they reached the apex of this, perhaps leading some to believe they had no place left to go beyond such an achievement, but alas, they return with Terrasite, which is as bold a statement as they have ever made.
“After a record like Death Atlas, you have to make a turn,” notes guitarist Josh Elmore. “Everything about that album - the concept, artwork, music, etc, was a final statement. The only way to move forward is rebirth. In approaching the newest record, it was not only necessary to keep the musical trajectory the band has been aiming towards since the beginning, but also to further explore the ambient/textural elements that were part of Death Atlas.”
As such, Terrasite pushes their sound further into more epic and varied territory, and in the hands of vocalist Travis Ryan t
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