ASOIAF Battle Report 10 - Targaryen (Marselen) vs. Lannister (Kevan)

For this A Song of Ice & Fire battle report, we feature a match from a recent tournament played at The Forge, in Houston, Texas. The game mode being played is Dance With Dragons. I am playing a Targaryen list led by Marselen, and my opponent Cody is playing a Lannister list led by Kevan Lannister. Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy the show! Targaryen List: :cb4fe1ab-7e58-4698-9fbc-4b5ce6e5ee3fLISTe1082770-943c-11ed-91fa-a11265e79e65 Lannister List: :cb4fe1ab-7e58-4698-9fbc-4b5ce6e5ee3fLIST7275e4e0-9cc6-11ed-8c5f-5f43b7ff8da5 Intro Music: “A Song of Wolves and Dragons“ by TommyMutiu at: Inter-Round Music: “Honor and Sword (Main)“ by DaddysMusic at: Game played at The Forge, in Houston, Texas: Tournament photos property of The Forge.
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